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Watershed Ministries EST2014
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Premarital Questionnaire: Getting to Know Your Fiancé
by Dr. Robert Jones
1. State your own definition of marriage:
2. Name two characteristics that you most admire in your mate:
3. Name two characteristics which you least appreciate in your mate:
4. Do you consider marriage to be permanent? Why or why not? What would sever it?
5. Is there anything that makes you jealous or distrusting of your mate?
6. What are your goals/aims in life? Have you discussed them with your mate?
7. List three goals you have in marrying your mate:
8. Describe the relationship and attitudes existing between you and your mate’s family:
9. Describe the relationship and attitudes existing between your mate and your family:
10. What areas or issues could cause tensions and conflicts in your marriage?
11. List three subjects/issues you want to discuss or learn more about in premarital counseling:
12. How much education have you both had?
13. Name three activities or interests you share (e.g. social, hobby, recreation):
14. Do you dislike any of your mate’s family or friends? Who?
15. Describe the marriage your parents have: What strengths and weaknesses did/do you see?
16. Where do you plan to live? Will you be living with your family?
17. How often do you plan to see your family once you are married?
18. Do you desire to have children? If so, how many?
19. Describe your major responsibilities toward your mate and your duties in the home:
20. Describe the responsibilities and duties of your mate as in above question:
21. How do you plan to resolve family problems in your home?
22. What would you do if a particular problem seems hopeless and irresolvable?
23. State your philosophy of child raising:
24. Who is to exercise the disciplining of children?
25. Should your mate ever keep anything a secret from you? If so, what and when?
26. Should each of you be permitted one night per week for your own interests?
27. Describe the spiritual life of your parents and of your home background:
28. Describe your mate’s spiritual life:
29. What are some distinctive marks of a Christian marriage and home?
30. How often do you pray or read Scripture or discuss spiritual matters together? How often would you like to in your marriage?
31. Do you have any disagreements with one another in the area of religion?
32. Mention any areas of Christian fellowship and service you would like to do together?
33. Have you written down together a planned budget?
34. Do both you and your mate plan to work outside the home? What factors might alter that?
35. Should you and your mate have your own personal allowance? How much?
36. Do you plan to buy or rent housing?
37. Describe your attitudes and plans for giving money to the Lord:
38. Describe your perspectives on loans, use of credit cards, buying on time, etc:
39. Will you have joint or separate checking and savings accounts, property ownership, etc?
40. Which of you will handle which responsibilities --handling money, overseeing the budget, balancing accounts, paying bills, computing taxes, etc.?
41. What steps would you take if you began to go into debt ?
42. How would you evaluate your knowledge of physical & sexual matters pertaining to marriage? Are you prepared for marriage in terms of sexual adjustment?
43. How often do you expect you and your mate will have sexual union?
44. Evaluate your mate along the same lines as the above question:
45. Do you plan to use birth control? What form? Have you sought medical opinion on this?
46. What is your opinion on abortion?
47. How important is sex to you in your marriage? How important do you think it will be to your mate?
48. In what ways do you view sexual union as: a right? a duty? a privilege? a responsibility?
49. What steps would you take if you & your mate experienced problems in this area?
50. What do you now intend to do with these answers?
Thank you!